October 22, 2009

Is Global Warming a Myth?

Global Warming has been a big issue for humanity for the past two decades now, and it has especially kicked up a gear over the past decade, being front page news regularly. There has been charities and events and donations of all sorts towards the threat of Global Warming, so to say that it is a myth, is a big, big claim.

However, there is data that shows that the earth has actually been cooling over the past 10 years, and not warming. 1998 was actually the world's hottest year in recent history.
(Click here for an image of the graph that proves that)

Article: The Myth Of Global Warming

With that said, the environment's well being is very important. We should definitely be mindful to cut pollution and use alternative energy. But what we've got to be careful of is the way that governments and major organizations are using the Global Warming "problem" to gain control over farms and foods, earn billions by taxing things that cause "global warming", and stay in power (by pleasing the masses by making it look like they're fixing a global problem (which doesn't actually exist)).

To be honest it doesn't sound too different from the swine flu situation: The government make a huge global "problem" seem a certain way, or blow it completely out of proportion and/or context, create hysteria and fear in the masses, then create a plan of solution for the "problem", of which the plan's execution actually has a hidden agenda. Meanwhile, the masses breath a big sigh of relief that the government is "fixing" a problem and everybody's happy. "Our governments have saved the day! Yay!"
Except for the fact that the secret agendas involved go completely against humanity

This vid sums up the Global Warming situation well...

So what do you think? Is Global Warming fact or fiction?
Is Global Warming a Myth?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

  1. Trends need to be calculated over longer periods to be meaningful. Click here for a good article on trends. Trends over shorter periods are too influenced by the random nature of the years weather.
