November 04, 2009

Article: Psychic Computer Shows Your Thoughts on Screen

Scientists have discovered how to “read” minds by scanning brain activity and reproducing images of what people are seeing — or even remembering.

Researchers have been able to convert into crude video footage the brain activity stimulated by what a person is watching or recalling.

The breakthrough raises the prospect of significant benefits, such as allowing people who are unable to move or speak to communicate via visualisation of their thoughts; recording people’s dreams; or allowing police to identify criminals by recalling the memories of a witness.

However, it could also herald a new Big Brother era, similar to that envisaged in the Hollywood film Minority Report, in which an individual’s private thoughts can be readily accessed by the authorities.


If this source is legit, then this discovery is absolutely amazing.

The possibilities that may or may not occur from this discovery are endless. Some could be bad. Some could be great.

A few things i read worried me:
In Britain, fMRI scanning technology has been sold to multinational companies, such as Unilever and McDonald’s, enabling them to see how we subconsciously react to brands.


In America, security agencies are researching the use of brain scanners for interrogating prisoners, and Lockheed Martin, the US defence contractor, is reported to have studied the possibility of scanning brains at a distance.

It's this kind of discovery that could really be used for bad agenda. I don't want to live in a world where elite organizations are scanning my brain.

A few things i read excited me:

The breakthrough raises the prospect of significant benefits, such as allowing people who are unable to move or speak to communicate via visualisation of their thoughts; recording people’s dreams; or allowing police to identify criminals by recalling the memories of a witness.


Researchers have also used scanning technology to measure academic ability, detect early signs of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative conditions, and even predict the decision a person is about to make before they are conscious of making it.

Imagine being able to record our dreams! THE THINGS WE WOULD LEARN! This is a dream in itself.

Also, Delving in depth into the intricacies, and finding out the why's and how's of this discovery could mean great things for humanity. It could really lead to more clues and answers about reality and consciousness. This could be another door that we've opened that will contribute to our evolution.

However, as the article says: “It’s the age-old problem: knowledge is power and it can be used for both good and evil.”

We've just got to be aware.

Ok, so - telepathy chips, mind reading computers, what's next? Time travel??
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