February 16, 2011

Thought of the day #3: Knowledge

There's knowledge and then there's 'organised knowledge'. There's a difference. One contributes a million times more to your personal success than the other. Straight up knowledge is information energy. A powerful energy, but useless on its own. 'Organised knowledge' is knowledge that you've applied with intelligent efforts. That's what wisdom is - applied knowledge.

That's a key thing to realise, cos for the past few years i've been absorbing boatloads of knowledge without putting in the effort to remember it properly or spend time considering how i can use the knowledge. Day after day goes by, and before you know it, the new knowledge you receive pushes out the old knowledge that never had the chance to internalize.

Today that cycle stops, and a new positive habit is ingrained. WOOOOOOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP!
Thought of the day #3: KnowledgeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Also worth remembering is that there's many ways of organizing knowledge into wisdom, and that that those ways are themselves of the mind, and so are themselves capable of embodying wisdom.

    One of the simplest attitudes to knowledge that allow it to blossom into wisdom is 'the scientific method' - PUAs excel at this. But it's folly to think that it ends there- an attitude that allows wisdom to spring forth even faster is one embodied by every religious tradition ever: humility. (Worth adding that that the scientific method is a form of humility- humility to data- but if that's the only humility you practice then your arrogance will damn you to keep re-inventing the wheel, and often as a flat tyre).

    Practice true humility (trumility) towards others, in every truest and deepest sense, and you'll be pumping direct from the fountain of wisdom and into your brachial artery via IV drip for as long as you do.

  3. Thanks for sharing that Allen! Much truth
