November 20, 2011

Article: Second experiment confirms faster-than-light particles

Science is catching up to quantum physics; discovering that something is faster than the speed of light - subatomic particles. Everything is vibration. Vibration is molecular motion.

A second experiment at the European facility that reported subatomic particles zooming faster than the speed of light — stunning the world of physics — has reached the same result, scientists said late Thursday.

The “positive outcome of the [second] test makes us more confident in the result,” said Fernando Ferroni, president of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics, in a statement released late Thursday. Ferroni is one of 160 physicists involved in the international collaboration known as OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion Tracking Apparatus) that performed the experiment.

While the second experiment “has made an important test of consistency of its result,” Ferroni added, “a final word can only be said by analogous measurements performed elsewhere in the world.”

That is, more tests are needed, and on other experimental setups. There is still a large crowd of skeptical physicists who suspect that the original measurement done in September was an error.

Should the results stand, they would upend more than a century of modern physics.

For more than a century, the speed of light has been locked in as the universe’s ultimate speed limit. No experiment had seen anything moving faster than light, which zips along at 186,000 miles per second.

Much of modern physics — including Albert Einstein’s famous theory of relativity — is built on that ultimate speed limit.

The scientific world stopped and gaped in September when the OPERA team announced it had seen neutrinos moving just a hint faster than light.

“If it’s correct, it’s phenomenal,” said Rob Plunkett, a scientist at Fermilab, the Department of Energy physics laboratory in Illinois, in September. “We’d be looking at a whole new set of rules” for how the universe works.

Article: Second experiment confirms faster-than-light particlesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

November 09, 2011

Article: 50 Questions That Can Help Free Your Mind

So good!... Gives perspective and gets you thinking in the right areas.

These questions have no right or wrong answers.

Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer.

1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

2. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

5. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?

6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

11. You are having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?

14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

15. What is something you know you do differently than most people?

16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

17. What is one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?

18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

22. Why are you, you?

23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

25. What are you most grateful for?

26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

28. Has your greatest fear ever come true?

29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?

30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

32. If not now, then when?

33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?

35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?

50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?


Article: 50 Questions That Can Help Free Your MindSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

September 21, 2011

Notion of the day

"The only thing that's real is experience" — Bashar
Notion of the daySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Clip: Gregg Braden on Curing Cancer using our own Technology of Emotion


Gregg Braden presents a video showing cancer being cured in less than 3 minutes using the language of emotion. Using the technology of emotion that's inside all of us and mirror that expection to the field that's all around us. You must feel the feeling as if it has already happened.
These clips are from a presentation called "Language of the Divine Matrix" recorded in Italy, May 30th 2007.
Clip: Gregg Braden on Curing Cancer using our own Technology of EmotionSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

September 14, 2011

Article: Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

Amazing! But not surprising.

THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

Article: Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and FrequenciesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Clip: 9/11 - A Conspiracy Theory

9/11 was a lie; a false flag operation. It still surprises me that people don't know that yet but i guess it is pretty hard to believe. Sometimes i think it's not that it's "unbelievable" as such, but more so that people don't want to believe it. It is a lot to stomach. Nonetheless fact is fact and truth is truth. There is countless amounts of information and videos on it out there. You just have to google search or youtube search and you will be knee-deep in it. Here are 2 videos i saw recently.

This video sums it all up in 5 minutes. It is both chilling and and hilarious...

And here is an ex-American solider that fought in Iraq giving his perspective. He is one of a few soliders that have been coming out and sharing the truth. Brave!

A moment's silence for those that were murdered in America's terrorist attack against itself 10 years ago...
Clip: 9/11 - A Conspiracy TheorySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

September 06, 2011

Article: Japanese breakthrough will make wind power cheaper than nuclear

Gotta love them Japanese and their tendency to, ya know, advance humanity!

A surprising aerodynamic innovation in wind turbine design called the 'wind lens' could triple the output of a typical wind turbine, making it less costly than nuclear power.

Article: Japanese breakthrough will make wind power cheaper than nuclearSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

August 05, 2011

Clip: Jazzy Jeff: Music Business Mathamatics @ ACM

The truth about record labels and music business, coming from someone who's been there. An absolute must see for anyone looking to get involved in the music industry long-term

Clip: Jazzy Jeff: Music Business Mathamatics @ ACMSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

August 04, 2011

Clip: New Music Business Model Video by JaWar

For those with musical career aspirations, this video is of value.

Jawar speaks about the ever-evolving musical industry landscape. Filmed in 2007, it was almost prophetic, and now truly acts as a guide, or starting point, for being an independent musician.

Clip: New Music Business Model Video by JaWarSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

July 06, 2011

Clip: Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

If you're interested in history, stats, and human development then you'll cream over this.

Hans Rosling's famous lectures combine enormous quantities of public data with a sport's commentator's style to reveal the story of the world's past, present and future development. Now he explores stats in a way he has never done before - using augmented reality animation. In this spectacular section of 'The Joy of Stats' he tells the story of the world in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers - in just four minutes. Plotting life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, Hans shows how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine.
Clip: Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 MinutesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

June 25, 2011

Visualisation and Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee wrote this letter to himself in 1969...

"I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.

Bruce Lee

He then went on and achieved exactly what he intended.

You decide why... :)
Visualisation and Bruce LeeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

May 24, 2011

Notion #6

"We don't need no more rappers, we don’t need no more basketball players, no more football players; we need more thinkers. We need more scientists, we need more managers, we need more mathematicians, we need more teachers, we need more people who care…we need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that. We don’t need anymore entertainers." — Tupac
Notion #6SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

May 19, 2011

Clip - Rap News 8: Osamacide

The 8th episode of our beloved Rap News, touches upon the story of Osama Bin Laden's death.

Clip - Rap News 8: OsamacideSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

May 04, 2011

Anti-Pot Republican Lawmaker Charged with Pot Possession

Ah the irony.

A Rhode Island lawmaker, who recently slammed his colleagues by invoking the image of pot-smoking immigrants, has been busted for alleged marijuana possession.

Republican House Minority Leader Robert Watson was arrested in East Haven, Conn., on Friday at a police checkpoint and was also charged with driving under the influence.

Anti-Pot Republican Lawmaker Charged with Pot PossessionSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

May 01, 2011

Willsdom (Will Smith wisdom)

I just developed a man-crush for Will Smith - an absolute inspiration, of great character, and a surprising source of truth & wisdom. Who woulda thunk it - rad!

Gobble some o' this up...

Willsdom (Will Smith wisdom)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

April 26, 2011

American: The Bill Hicks Story - Official Trailer

A documentary on Bill Hicks, one of the best comedian/philosopher/truth speaker/sociological satirists there ever was.

American: The Bill Hicks Story - Official TrailerSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

March 24, 2011

March 22, 2011

Clip: 2 'Suns' spotted in Chinese sky

This news is a few weeks old now, but still interesting nonetheless. I wonder what it is.

Clip: 2 'Suns' spotted in Chinese skySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thought of the day #4: Time

The nature of time can be found in the nature of... well... nature.

Time moves along like how a fern tree is structured. On every fern tree you can focus on a leaf which is like a mini fern tree in itself. Then on THAT mini fern tree there is ANOTHER mini-er fern tree, and so on. The cycle repeats and gets infinitely smaller and divided up into little mini fern trees until all a fern tree leaf comprised of ALL fern tree leaves is reached. It reaches a zero point. An inconceivable point of oneness. "Point zero". Same with time.

Thought of the day #4: TimeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

March 21, 2011

Clip - Rap News 7: #Revolution!

The newest installment of Rap News is a 10 minute epic!

Awesome as always.

Clip - Rap News 7: #Revolution!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

February 24, 2011

Clip: Love Police Compilation

Pretty sure these guys are from the crew of Zeitgeist. Not sure though. But nonetheless this is hilarious.

These two dudes go into the public streets of somewhere in UK (?) with megaphones and spread the word of the free human. They perfectly reflect back at people the attitudes of the elite, in humorous fashion. I couldn't stop laughing!

So much truth is getting spurted here it'd make your head spin if it wasn't delivered such a casual, simple and funny fashion . Just watch. It's awesome.

Clip: Love Police CompilationSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Clip: Tool - 10,000 days hidden track

This is amazing. So it turns out that 3 separate tracks from the Tool album '10,000 days' can be combined into one...

- The track "10,000 days" is 11:13 in length (would've been better if they made it 11:11)
- The track "Viginti Tres" is 5:02.
- And the track "Wings for Marie" is 6:11

Do the math and 5:02 + 6:11 = you guessed it, 11:13. So if you sync up Viginti Tres and Wings for Marie (in that order) up against 10,000 days then you get yourself the hidden track. Kinda like this:
( (viginti tres + wings for marie) + 10,000 days ) = super dooper bonus hidden track.
It's really quite a remarkable thing they've done here. Them tools never cease to amaze me with their intricate music, complex concepts and esoteric implementation of universal truths. Love it!

Here are the songs separately...
- 10,000 Days
- Viginti Tres
- Wings For Marie

If you have the songs from the album on your computer, you can use any basic sound editing software (like Audacity) to sync them up. I recommend syncing them up yourself, because then you can play around with the volume levels and see how the different tracks contribute to the overall track. It's really really really really interesting. BUT, if you can't be bothered doing that, then check out the video below...

Fucking amazing. Gives me chills. I don't know of any band in history that has done something like this. Tool didn't even advertise it or anything. They just wanted to let everyone get their minds blown for themselves. That is so extremely epic.
Clip: Tool - 10,000 days hidden trackSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

February 16, 2011

Thought of the day #3: Knowledge

There's knowledge and then there's 'organised knowledge'. There's a difference. One contributes a million times more to your personal success than the other. Straight up knowledge is information energy. A powerful energy, but useless on its own. 'Organised knowledge' is knowledge that you've applied with intelligent efforts. That's what wisdom is - applied knowledge.

That's a key thing to realise, cos for the past few years i've been absorbing boatloads of knowledge without putting in the effort to remember it properly or spend time considering how i can use the knowledge. Day after day goes by, and before you know it, the new knowledge you receive pushes out the old knowledge that never had the chance to internalize.

Today that cycle stops, and a new positive habit is ingrained. WOOOOOOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP!
Thought of the day #3: KnowledgeSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

February 15, 2011

February 02, 2011

Article: Birds use quantum theory to literally 'see' Earth's magnetic field as they fly

This potential discovery is fascinating when you consider that:
- Energy travels through magnetics
- Human emotion affects the magnetic field of the earth
- The magnetic field affects weather (earthquakes etc)
If we can figure out how the birds see the magnetic fields, then maybe we can figure out how we can see them also. And that would surely be an an evolutionary step. Exciting stuff!

Here's the article...

Birds may be able to ‘see’ the Earth’s electromagnetic field as they fly through the sky, scientists have suggested.

Many creatures, including all birds, navigate by sensing the direction of the magnetic forces around our planet to guide them.

But now researchers have found that different reactions are produced in the eyes of all avian creatures depending on which way the field spins.

Article: Birds use quantum theory to literally 'see' Earth's magnetic field as they flySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Revolution in Egypt

Some intense times are happening in Egypt at the moment.

Here's some footage of some people who have had enough of having their freedom breached. Loco stuff. It's amazing what happens when a massive population becomes fed up with a select "elite" few dictating a poor way of living for their own benefit; when a massive population of people decide to stand up for their rights and freedom. They unite and stand up and say, "No. Enough."

It's just a shame that things are in such bad shape that the only remaining choice is by force and violence. I simple can't imagine what it must be like to go through. Truly intense stuff.

Revolution in EgyptSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

February 01, 2011

Clip: UFO sighting at Temple Mount, Israel

It seems like UFO sightings have been popping up all over the place in the past year.

Personally, there's no doubt in my mind the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations in other galaxies, and also of their presence among us. However obviously it's impossible to prove it. Nonetheless, i'm gonna post sightings. It's up to you to validate its truth/untruth for yourself.

Clip: UFO sighting at Temple Mount, IsraelSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Notion #5

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." — Mahatma Gandhi
Notion #5SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

January 31, 2011

Clip: Viktor Frankl: Why to believe in others

Viktor Frankl was a holocaust survivor and psychiatrist. In this clip he talks about meaning in life, idealism, and putting the people around you in big shoes. This clip is from 1972.

Clip: Viktor Frankl: Why to believe in othersSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

January 16, 2011

Article: Talking to God

A friend sent me this today and it proved to be one of the most interesting things i've read about in like 6 months.

It's hard to explain it. Just begin reading, it'll either spark something in you and you wont blink until the end, or you'll get a quarter way through, laugh, and close it. It'll be interpreted in a range of different ways depending on who you are, but i'm absolutely certain that there will be a select few out there who will get something from this.


I met god the other day.

I know what you’re thinking. How the hell did you know it was god?

Well, I’ll explain as we go along, but basically he convinced me by having all, and I do mean ALL, the answers. Every question I flung at him he batted back with a plausible and satisfactory answer. In the end, it was easier to accept that he was god than otherwise.

Which is odd, because I’m still an atheist and we even agree on that!

Article: Talking to GodSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend