It has recently come to my attention that Senator Conroy has plans to install an Internet censorship scheme while everybody is focused on Christmas.
The internet is the final medium of media in which humanity has freedom of speech. This is a threat to government's control. Australia is getting prepared to commence censorship - which means our internet will become controlled - so we must voice our disapproval!
So today i found a site recommended by a friend on facebook(thank you, freedom of speech!), that was holding a petition against it (they gathered 120,000 signatures), and the site had the capabilities to forward our emails to the senator.
So i wrote one.
If you would like to do the same, then visit this site:
If you would like an example of what to write, here's the email that i sent. Feel free to discuss it. But remember to use your own words when you send an email of your own. And feel free to bring up completely different points in your own email. The idea is to flood them with so many emails that we can't be ignored.
Dear Senator,
It has come to my attention recently of the plans to censor Australian internet. I would like to voice my disapproval of the notion.
The internet is the final medium of media of which our nation has freedom of speech. TV Media is run by a select few in control, and general population is not involved in the controlling process of it. Commercial Radio is also this way. The internet is the final media of which everybody is equal, and any human can freely express themselves. Although some things on the internet can truly be labeled negatively, the censorship plans will choke our freedom of speech, and our freedom in general.
The censorship plans are redundant, since the negative internet content is normally shared via email or file-sharing networks - not through web traffic. AND - Any negative stuff that IS present in web-traffic, can be thwarted by censorship software that can be purchased by any parent around the globe. Not only would Government-controlled internet censorship be inefficient and unnecessary, it would also be a violation to human rights.
Freedom of speech is necessary for humanity for the evolution of our collective consciousness. I hope you are intelligent enough to understand this. To be without honest expression and without the ability to connect with others, we are divided, unhappy and generally disconnected. This means humans are not trading thoughts, ideas, beliefs, perspectives, etc etc, as they should be able to. To censor the internet, would be to work against humanity's evolution. This means internet censorship comes across as a malevolent plan. Is the government working in favour or against the Australian public?
GetUp! has already gathered over 120,000 petition signatures in opposition to mandatory internet censorship scheme. This is proof that it is not in the best interests of the people.
What i ask is that you reconsider your position on the internet censorship scheme, and instead work towards schemes that the Australian public are actually in favour for.
Thank you for your time,
That's a great email, Nic. A lot clearer than the one I wrote.