And The breath of LifeThe 'ego' is to the mind, what 'snot' is to the body.
And 'breathing' is to the body, what 'state of being' is to living happily.
Nobody likes a snotty nose, but sometimes snot is a necessary byproduct of the
process of protecting yourself.
The less snot up your nose, the easier it is to breath, and the more enjoyable your breathing experience.
Sometimes you
don't realise how snotty your nose is until it's really hard to breath. So sometimes it's necessary to
wake up during the middle of the night and blow your nose.
Snot builds up slowly over time, so sometimes it's easy to forget it's there, and get comfortable with breathing with a snotty nose. Some people are fine with breathing through a snotty nose. But upon finally clearing that snot, you realise how much better breathing can really be (aswell as how much more others enjoy breathing in sync with your own breathing).
But you can't blow your nose until you go and get a tissue. Sometimes you have to create the tissue yourself, sometimes others can build it for you. But essentially it comes down to the
intention of your own
choice, to seek the tissue and take action.
Sometimes it's easy to get annoyed at somebody else for trying to breath through their own snotty nose, and point fingers at them, complain, gossip, and downright blame them for disturbing your own experience. However, doing that only creates more snot as you become involved with snotty-nosed interaction. And
remember: we can only despise in other people what we don't like about ourselves.
If we want to breath peacefully and joyfully, then we have to clear our snot. If we don't clear out our snot, then making our breath filter through the snot all the time can disturb our own experience, and sometimes others' experience too! To clear it out we simply have to become aware of it.
As soon as you identify yourself as a snotty-nosed person, and with the thoughts, emotions, perceptions and actions that
stem from your snotty nose experience, with the power of your belief, are you
more or
less likely to remain snotty? Well, the answer is definitely not less.
Don't identify with anything within our snot-based world. Just become aware of it, and see it for what it is -
just snot - and it will fade away.
Today marks the day when i start the construction of building a tissue, so i can blow my own nose. This will be a journey that may take a while. But once I've achieved that, i can start work towards the construction of building a big collective tissue for society to use, because right now we live in a big snotty world. I may not be able to cure the sickness, but the less snot that the world has, the better the state of living in it will be for myself AND others.
does have its use though. Without snot, then it would mean that we would not be protecting ourselves. However, we wouldn't need to protect ourselves
if we weren't sick.
But what's making us sick? Why is everyone all snotty? What is the cause of this dysfunction? That's the million dollar question.
We have to treat the sickness in order to fix the root of the problem and transform, and never have a snotty nose again. But first we have to understand the truth, and then accept it, in order to know how to treat it.
So don't worry if your nose is currently snotty. Don't identify with it. Just become aware of it. We have to get sick before we can evolve from it.