It's a shame that corporate agenda is behind the making of this. HOWEVER, this could potentially open doors towards the next steps in our evolution...
There's no way i'd put a computer chip in my brain to control my TV or computer. But, the development of this could lead to discoveries about the true power of our minds. Being able to communicate telepathically could be where humanity is gravitating towards...
Very exciting...
A ‘telepathy’ chip that allows people to control computers, televisions and light switches by the power of thought is being developed by British scientists.
The tiny sensor would sit on the surface of the brain, picking up the electrical activity of nerve cells and passing the signal wirelessly to a receiver on the skull.
The signal would then be used to control a cursor on a computer screen, operate electronic gadgets or steer an electric wheelchair.
If the info about what the Swine Flu vax contains didn't put you off, then this might...
Ron Paul Questions Why Obama Daughters Haven’t Taken Swine Flu Vaccine
Congressman Ron Paul has questioned why, despite his efforts to encourage the general public to get vaccinated against the H1N1 virus, President Barack Obama has refused to allow his own daughters to take the swine flu shot.
Despite the fact that Obama on Friday declared a national emergency in response to the H1N1 outbreak, he apparently doesn’t deem it enough of a threat to have his two daughters vaccinated against the virus.
Such double standards have led media pundits to call for Obama to get his daughters vaccinated on live television, in an effort to encourage American parents to do the same for their kids. The swine flu vaccination program, which was initially intended to be a “mass” inoculation covering the entire population, has been rejected by a majority of Americans who harbor deep suspicions about dangerous additives contained in the vaccine such as mercury and squalene.
But would the daughters get the same version of the vax as the general public anyway?
‘Poisoning attempt’ charges filed against French H1N1 campaign
In what is being seen as the first of many such actions to come, nine individuals have filed formal charges claiming that the H1N1 campaign is a deliberate attempt to poison the French population.
These charges, which were filed yesterday, could not come at a more inopportune moment for the government and health specialists. The vaccination campaign got underway last Tuesday in a climate of national skepticism as to the vaccine’s safety and efficiency, and this news will surely boost the morale of the increasing number of anti-vaccine lobbyists who are beginning to organize their resistance to any attempt to vaccinate the population against H1N1.
That's right, people in France are finding the vax to be so nasty and pointless that they're pressing charges. Hmmm....
and, just to provoke some more thought on the subject...
Obama's H1N1 national emergency declaration could invoke FEMA response to pandemic
So let me get this straight. The H1N1 virus remains mild. The CDC reports that swine flu infections already peaked out in mid-October. There have been no new developments in swine flu that would be cause for alarm and no reason to suspect huge numbers of sick people flooding into the hospitals. And yet, for some reason, the Obama administration has declared a national pandemic emergency specifically for the purpose of speeding the ability of hospitals to process large masses of sick people through emergency medical triage tents?
This is downright propaganda folks. Whether the swine flu vax is a positive thing or a negative thing, this is a brainwash technique directed at the young demographic of the masses.
It's a pretty strange thing to witness. And can be unsettling. But it's just a mind game really, and it's easy to win. All we need to do wake up and become aware and then they've lost. And that has already been happening anyway.
In this clip, Peter Gleeson talks about what we can do as humans to go back to our roots and learn to conduct and/or be involved in performances. He talks about his ideas of how everyone can bring performing and having fun back into the activity of our society.
Transform dull crowd situations into amazing performances. Become the performance leader or be ready to join in. Using simple signals, groups can be instructed in sound, song, improvisation, rhythm - anything you want, and change leadership easily. A new kind of fun based on the oldest kind of fun.
Scientist Gregg Braden talks about the conscious mind that underlies our existence, and how we can influence it. If everybody explored and educated themselves with this information, the world would be a better place...
It's hard not to be skeptical of this without any evidence, but reports of these kinds pop up regularly all over the world. Could something really be going on?
The sergeant, who has not been named, was off-duty when he saw the figures standing in a field near Silbury Hill, and stopped his car to investigate.
However, as he approached the 'men' – all over 6ft tall with blond hair – he heard "the sound of static electricity" and the trio ran away ''faster than any man he had ever seen''.
Global Warming has been a big issue for humanity for the past two decades now, and it has especially kicked up a gear over the past decade, being front page news regularly. There has been charities and events and donations of all sorts towards the threat of Global Warming, so to say that it is a myth, is a big, big claim.
However, there is data that shows that the earth has actually been cooling over the past 10 years, and not warming. 1998 was actually the world's hottest year in recent history. (Click here for an image of the graph that proves that)
With that said, the environment's well being is very important. We should definitely be mindful to cut pollution and use alternative energy. But what we've got to be careful of is the way that governments and major organizations are using the Global Warming "problem" to gain control over farms and foods, earn billions by taxing things that cause "global warming", and stay in power (by pleasing the masses by making it look like they're fixing a global problem (which doesn't actually exist)).
To be honest it doesn't sound too different from the swine flu situation: The government make a huge global "problem" seem a certain way, or blow it completely out of proportion and/or context, create hysteria and fear in the masses, then create a plan of solution for the "problem", of which the plan's execution actually has a hidden agenda. Meanwhile, the masses breath a big sigh of relief that the government is "fixing" a problem and everybody's happy. "Our governments have saved the day! Yay!" Except for the fact that the secret agendas involved go completely against humanity
This vid sums up the Global Warming situation well...
So what do you think? Is Global Warming fact or fiction?
Ever heard about "2012" and wondered what it was all about? There are a lot of theories out there, some extreme, some not.
Scientist Gregg Braden, the best-selling author of “Fractal Time”, puts it into real-time perspective.
Keep an eye out for towards the end of the interview, when Braden talks about a revolutionary discovery that scientists made in 2001 about how human feelings affect the earth's magnetic field. An amazing concept. If everybody in the world knew this information, the world would be a different place. For the better.
Q: You say that 2012 is not the end of the world but the end of a world age—a 5,125-year cycle of time?
Braden: Some people speak about 2012 like any other news story that you hear about every day. Others who may not have heard anything about 2012 say, “What’s the big deal about a date?”
Q: Maybe they think it’s like Y2K.
Braden: Precisely! I was an engineer, working in the defense industry in the 1980s when I first began hearing about the year 2012. Some people were saying, literally, “It’s the end of the world.” Others said, “It’s the end of the world as we know it.” And some even said, “It’s the beginning of a thousand years of peace.”
Everyone I asked had a different opinion. What I discovered as a scientist was that the only way that I would know what 2012 was all about was to understand the people who created the calendars that tell us about 2012. And the only way to understand them was to understand great cycles of time.
I believe the healing of this could lead to one of the next steps towards humanity's evolution. This is why awareness of this is key.
For the past few thousand years we have lived in a patriarchal paradigm where the masculine has been over emphasized at the expense of the feminine. This has produced not only the oppression of women, constant war and violence but also inner conflict for both men and women as each struggles to be whole human beings in a world where an imbalanced ideal is cherished. The result of the over emphasis on the masculine has resulted in it taking a negative form as the feminine is devalued and even systematically repressed.
The vax for swine flu is nasty stuff. It's got mercury and a bunch of other poisonous nerve damaging shit in it. There have been numerous cases around the world where people have been negatively affected by the vaccine, from slight headaches and fits, to being paralyzed and brain damaged, to downright death. Just two examples... - Woman Takes Flu Jab And Is Disabled For Life - Five die after seasonal flu vaccination
The swine flu "pandemic" is a great way to instill fear and then dumb down the masses, to keep us as mindless consumers, instead of free thinking souls. Awareness of this is key.
What about all the "important people" in the world that get the jab? Why aren't they sick? Well, perhaps this article will answer that question... - German Soldiers Get Additive Free Swine Flu Shot According to a report out of Germany, German soldiers have been given an additive-free swine flu shot that doesn’t contain mercury, squalene, or any of the other dangerous adjuvants associated with the vaccine, raising questions as to why this version of the shot has not been made available to the general population.
That would explain why the vax is fucking everybody up.
But woah. That can't be, i hear you say. Well, what you believe is your own choice. How far down this rabbit hole do you want to go? If further, then click the article below. I'll let David Icke's article explain the intricacies. But do so at your own risk, it's pretty full on claims... - Flu Is Not The Biggest Danger... It's The Vaccine.
David Icke's claims can be hard for people to swallow, and understandably, with our current belief systems. As i said, you be the judge. But the bottom line is this: all you really need to know is that the vax is nasty. Don't get the swine flu vax!
Not only was Bill Hicks hilarious, he spewed truth from every orifice. R.I.P
This clip is probably the most famous segment of his career.
Did you catch that?
Here it is again for ya...
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves."
More Terence! A short clip where McKenna talks about the ins and outs of creating culture rather than consuming it. (the music is a bit distracting, but what can ya do)
This is the full version of Esoteric Agenda. Made by "Ben Stewarts" in 2008, this doco touches upon things that doesn't get touched upon - the plans of the elite organizations of the world.
It contains some pretty confronting truths, so watch at your own risk. It's understandable if a lot of it is hard to believe. But atleast considering and having a think about what its trying to say is a positive decision for you. You can choose what you want to believe. You be the judge.
It is also quite long and there's a lot of information to take in, so you might want to save it for a night where you can dedicated your focus to it.
Probably the most interesting thing i've watched in recent history. It really did pry open my eyes.
Here's one for the musicians... Omar Rodriguez-Lopez from The Mars Volta is one of the most hard working musicians in the world today. He's a great source of inspiration for me, and as an aspiring musician, i absorb a lot of his insights.
In this 3-part backstage interview (filmed in February of 2008) he talks about: the processes of Bedlam, the feeling of an album in the making (which came to be 'Ochtahedron'), the mindset of people on the internet who make up rumours, the mars volta film he's in the process of making, the label, the process of recording covers, his record label, his various album releases, his films, his reasons behind making music, the reason behind firing Jon Theodore (former-awesome-drummer) with Thomas Pridgen (current-even-more-awesome-drummer), the light-hearted side to volta, his home studio apartment, his many unreleased solo albums, and everything in between.
It starts off a bit slow and promotional, but gets really interesting. In my opinion, this is probably the most insightful interview of Omar on the internet.
This 3-part vid is taken from the final parts of a documentary called 'Esoteric Agenda'. It's a rad compilation of information regarding reality, consciousness & spirituality. For me it's the backbone of the fundamental things you need to know if you want to learn about the true nature of reality and consciousness. If EVERYBODY in the world was aware of this information, it would surely be a better place.
The information moves along pretty fast, and can be hard to keep up with. But if you pause every now and then to reflect then it's fine.
This information deserves to be totally absorbed. If this kind of thing is new to you, then it should spark a new path. If it's all old news for you, then at the very least it will be a nice little reminder. At any rate, i assure that this will improve well-being. Because, to use an old cliche, the truth will set you free!
Our societal values and culture customs define our beliefs. And if everything we do and think is filtered through our beliefs, then our belief systems are one of the most significant factors of life. In this clip, Terence McKenna relates culture to being like the operating system that runs a computer. A clever approach. He talks about our current culture, its problems and how to fix it. He talks about our true nature and its relation to our culture.
Who controls our culture? Is it our governments? Is it our history? Is it undefinable? What can we do to align our culture more with our true nature? Do we truly perceive reality correctly? Does our culture contain beliefs that limit the growth and evolution of the human soul? Is it time to redefine our belief systems of reality? Or are we already on the ball?
Dedication to building an accurate collective map of the nature of reality, by spreading truth & awareness, provoking thought, expanding knowledge, and stretching the imagination.
The Agenda The documentation of videos & articles, in the fields of:
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Creativity
- Personal Development
- Spirituality
- Humanity's new discoveries
- Quantum physics
- Metaphysics
- Dream Realm
- Paranormal Phenomena
- Nature
- The Universe
- Love, Peace & Harmony
- Consciousness
- Evolution
- Etc
The Reality Tasty truths & info about this kind of stuff is essentially non-existent in mainstream media. So you really have to dig. But once you start digging down the rabbit hole, there's no going back! The thing is though, i can't dig alone. You can't dig alone. For those interested - We all have to grab a shovel for ourselves and work together.